

This is a small house in Ashiya. It’s floor area is only 39㎡ per floor. Small can be a big merit sometime. Taking out almost all walls and making a big one room per floor with a simple structural plan. The shape of the 2nd floor ceiling comes from the exterior roof shape and this was possible due to the size of the floor plan. 1st floor consists of sanitary and sleeping area, however, they are divided only with a fabric screen to have flexibility in the floor plan. Furthermore, this was an important factor when the size of the plan was considered. Even the finish materials were carefully chosen not to become too fancy like many mansions around this area (Ashiya is known for fancy mansions). When the definition of mansion is thought, this small house can be considered as a smallest mansion in Ashiya in the way it blends in with other huge mansions within the area, with it’s cheap but rich finish materials.
- kobakoya -

Photo:Tomoyuki Kusunose