This is a two-story wooden house for a family of three located in Miki City, Hyogo Prefecture. Built on a regular lot in a typical suburban residential area, the key feature of this house is its courtyard plan that completely blocks out views from the surrounding area. With a courtyard plan, the most important thing is its size. All spaces face the courtyard, which is spacious enough to provide ample natural light for each space, while also providing a lush, green exterior space as a courtyard. This is made possible by a simple structural plan based on a basic module. The interior and exterior spaces created by the simple spatial composition born from this simple structure create a kind of regularity, which leads to tranquility. The carport roof, which expresses a sense of dynamism as if to camouflage the tranquil interior space, surprises visitors.
Structure:Amano Architect and Structural Design Office, Ltd.
Photo:Yutaka Kinumaki